With the help of a CASA, children have a better chance of getting through the trauma of the foster care system more safely, quickly and effectively. Here are some of the ways a CASA makes a difference in the life of an abused or neglected child in the foster care system:
Children in the court system can move from foster home to foster home an average of 6.6 times. With the help of a CASA, children can experience less trauma by helping to reduce that number, sometimes to an average of 3.9 moves.
A child is twice as likely to receive the counseling needed to treat serious issues due to abuse and neglect with a CASA advocating on their behalf.
Children with a CASA have the advantage of having a consistent advocate present, who helps show the courts the reality of the child's life and situation. This clarity has the ability to move the process along quickly. Finding a safe and permanent home as quickly as possible is a priority.
Oregon tax payers spend $26,600 per child per year in foster care. With the help of a CASA, the child moves quickly through the system reducing the tax payers’ cost per child by $17,736.
CASA volunteers dedicate approximately 108,240 hours a year filling a critical need for a child in an overburdened court system. These hours are valued at $2.22 million which is the equivalent of 52 full-time employees.
Cases with a CASA are more likely to be permanently closed by finding a safe and permanent home so children do not re-enter the system.
1,017 children who were abused or neglected received a CASA
471 CASAs advocated on behalf of these children.
307 new children were served
89 new CASAs joined the program
304 cases were successfully closed
When a child who has been abused and neglected is going through the trauma of the court system, a CASA is tirelessly working to guide them through safely, quickly, and effectively.
Donate now online, it’s a safe and secure way to give. Your support will help children in our community who have been abused or neglected find safe, permanent homes.
We need volunteers more than ever to help a child find a safe, permanent home. Become a CASA and make a lasting difference in the life of a child.